VisuStella Skill Learn Parameters [MZ]

- Supports multiple parameter boosts/penalities per skill.
- Saves with the game data, so the boost remains permanent.
- Can give parameters penalities by putting a ‘-‘ just before the number.
This plugin is a direct add-on to the VisuStella Skill Learn Plugin. Without it, this plugin won’t work. Please make sure you have that plugin installed and updated to the latest version first.
How to Use (skill note tags)

With this plugin you can set notetags to skills to give a one time permanent boost to any base parameter for the actor learning the skill. So Max HP, Max MP, Attack, Defence, Magic Attack, Magic Defence, Agility and Luck.
<mhp:10> ➔ Adds 10 to the actors Max HP.
<mmp:50> ➔ Adds 50 to the actors Max MP.
<atk:3> ➔ Adds 3 to the actors Attack.
<def:20> ➔ Adds 20 to the actors Defence.
<mat:10> ➔ Adds 10 to the actors Magic Attack.
<mdf:30> ➔ Adds 30 to the actors Magic Defence.
<agi:40> ➔ Adds 40 to the actors Agility.
<luk:25> ➔ Adds 25 to the actors Luck.
Terms of Use
1. Do NOT claim ownership or take any code for your own plugins.
2. Do NOT redistribute or resell any of the source code under any circumstances.
3. This plugin is free to be used in any non-commercial game.
4. This plugin is free to be used in any commercial game provided you understand and comply with the terms of use.
on the photo that is in “DM VisuStella Skill Learn Parameters” i’ve noticed the interface for the character option are different, what kind of plugin did you use for that? and if you’ve made it i’m interested in buying a commercial license for it.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in my plugins! First of all, for this particular plugin, it will remain free even for commercial use. Second, the image that you’re referring to is actually just showing this plugin’s compatibility with the VisuStella Skill Learn Plugin. You can click that under compatibility, and it will bring you directly to the plugin page. I hope this answers your question.
heya I just tried this and receive an error ? do you have a discord to discuss this with ?
Hi, I just did some testing and did not encounter any errors with this plugin. Can you please describe the error you are receiving in detail so that I may better assist you with this?