Enemy Gauges [MZ]

Enemy Gauges
This plugin will allow you to add enemy gauges to battle. Choose from 4 different types of gauges: HP (Hit Points), MP (Magic Points), TP (Technical Points), and TPB (Time Progress Bar), that automatically work with enemy stats. There are default values set in the plugin parameters to help get you started with customizing your new enemy gauges. You can setup unique gauges for specific enemies by editing the “Custom Enemy Gauges” section in the plugin parameters.
- Add up to 4 types of enemy gauges to battle: HP (Hit Points), MP (Magic Points), TP (Technical Points), and TPB (Time Progress Bar).
- Choose from 3 different options for when an enemy gauge should be shown to the player in battle (Constant, Selected, and Limited). All gauges that are enabled are displayed while taking damage or recovering.
- Customize the appearance by changing the x, y, width, height, and colour parameters for all gauges.
- Create unique gauges that are applied to specific enemies you choose from the database and set up default gauges for the rest.
- Enemy Gauges are built from the Sprite_Gauge class to maximize compatibility with other plugins.
- DM_FFStyleBattle.js
- DM_LimitedInventory.js
- DM_ItemCategories.js
- DM_CoreShop.js
- DM_IndependentItems.js
- VisuMZ_3_VisualGaugeStyles.js
Terms of Use
1. Do NOT claim ownership or take any code for your own plugins.
2. Do NOT redistribute or resell any of the source code under any circumstances.
3. This plugin is free to be used in any non-commercial game.
4. This plugin can be used in commercial games provided you have successfully purchased a commercial licence from this page. You can begin the process by clicking the red button found below. The licence will cover any and all future games made by you using the plugin.